School cabinet

School cabinet
Criteria for head boy and head girl
  1. For the post of the Head Boy / Head Girl, the candidate must be a bonafide student for the last three years.
  2. Academic Performance :-Excellent and should be a rank holder.
  3. Character requirement :- Must be honest, sincere, dutiful with loyalty and dedication he / she should set example of good behaviour, devotion to study and faithful to the rules of discipline.
  4. Above all he / she must have a good leadership quality.


  1. Head Boy / Head Girl should be regular and punctual.
  2. Head Boy / Head Girl should be observant, alert and act promptly as per the needs of the school, after consulting and getting orders from the Principal..
  3. Head Boy/ Head Girl should ensure that the House aptains, Vice Captains and school prefects carry out their duties and responsibilities well.
  4. Head Boy / Head Girl should command the whole school into discipline during themorningassemblyandall functions as well as all gatherings.
  5. Head Boy / Head Girl should show loyalty and examplary behaviour both in the school and out of the school premises
  6. Head Boy / Head Girl should lead the students without being dictatorial.

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