1. The course of studies includes religious instruction, English Hindi, Sanskrit, Social Studies, Mathematics, Science, Computer Science, General Knowledge, Physical Training, Environmental Education, Socially Useful & Productive Work, Music and Art (drawing).
2. Besides curricular activities, for the all-round development of the personality of a student, the school trains them in Dramatics, Debates, Elocution, General Knowledge Art, National Talents Search Examination, Science Exhibitions and various games and sports like basketball, Cricket, volleyball, Dance, Football, Handball, T., Badminton, Yoga etc.
3. Anywillful breach of the regulation of the peaceful conduct of examination is punishable by expulsion from the whole examination and if discovered subsequently, by cancelling of all the papers.
4. Absence from an examination (any subject) for anyreason excludes a student from being reckoned in the order of merit in the examinations.
5. There are three examinations/assessments in an academic year, viz first term, second term and final term which is generally held in No student shall be granted promotion unless he/she obtains 33% of the total allotted marks in each subject in all the three examinations. Just passing in all subjects in the final term alone is not sufficient.
6. The evaluation of answer-scripts of a student during an examination iswithin the domestic jurisdiction of the school and therefore no outside persons or authority has jurisdiction to check/scrutinize or claim If in the opinion of the parents the results of their ward are significantly below the standard as shown by their ward’s class-performance, the parents may request the principal in writing to have checked any of the said subject-paper/ s on payment of Rs. fifty (50/-) per subject. The principal may at his own discretion appoint a teacher to verify the results and communicate the same within a week. The answer-scripts are retained in the school only till 30 April.
7. The promotion once refused will not be reconsidered nor will pass C. be issued for and reason.
8. If a student fails twice in the same class, he/she has to leave the school.
9. Booklist for the year 2025-26