Strict regularity, implicit obedience, courtesy in speech and conduct, Cleanliness of dress are expected of every Pupils must strictly conform to the regulations laid down in this regard.
All pupils must possess a copyof the prospectus-cumdiary which is to be brought to the school on all working days.
Pupils are not allowed to visit the staff room without permission.
Lost and found articles in the school are to be handed over to the principal’s office.
Any kind of damage done to the school property will be compensated Intentional damage will besufficient cause to expel the student.
No collection of money for any purpose whatsoever is to be made without the previous written permission of the principal.
Books, newspapers, periodicals, story books and other articles like tape-recorders, radios, tapes, electronic gadgets not pertaining to their daily work should not be brought to the school without the principal’s permission
The school authorities do not hold themselves in the responsible for a student’s loss of money, books or articles or clothing Students are expected to look after their own belongings very carefully.
Pupils are responsible to the school authorities not only for their conduct in the college but also for their general behavior outside. Any reported or objectionable conduct on the part of the pupils makes them liable for disciplinary action.
All pupils must take part in drill and outdoor games, school functions and class activities, Students who can’t do so on grounds of health should produce a proper medical
Fees must be paid even for the month during which a pupil has been absent.
If a parent withdraws his/her ward in mid-session without prior notice of one month, an advance fee for three months shall be charged before issuing a C.
Fees are paid in installment fine of 50/- shall be charged after the end of the particular month.
The fees are to be deposited as per the details given in the chart displayed on the school notice board.
No reduction in fees is made on account of winter holidays or anyother vacation or temporary absence or suspension.
Students whose school fees fall into arrears are liable to be debarred from appearing at the terminal examination and attending school till they are Neither the progressreport nor a transfer certificate will be issued till all the dues are fully settled.
Even if there are more than one student coming from the same family, full fees is charged for all.
Deserving cases are considered for concession only in the tuition (monthly) fees and the sole criterion is the economic condition of the parents on the basis of appropriate documents/salary certificates, All fee concessions will be withdrawn if the pupil does not satisfy the school authorities by regular attendance, good conduct and parental support and satisfactory progress in studies. The concession thus given is only for one academic year.
A student who fails shall forfeit for the ensuing year any concession in tuition fees.
In case of loss of a fee-card, a duplicate may be obtained on payment of Rs. 50/-. Fees are to be deposited only in Cheques will not be accepted.
In case of discrepancies, regarding payment/nonpayment of the tuition fees of their wards, Parents/guardians are requested to settle it by presenting their fee-card at the school counter as early as possible.